Some articles on us:

We are here for YOU

So what is a Service Officer?
We are members of various Veteran Service Organizations who provide help to Veterans with whatever they need. This includes but is not limited to help with VA claims, help with finding resources for paying bills, an ear for you to have someone to talk with in dealing with everyday issues, basically anything you need help with we will do our best to provide that help. Be sure to keep an eye on our Calendar and Forum pages, and we have lots of resources available for download and on Resources by State area.

How do I use this site?
In our resources by State area you will find resources to help you anywhere in the USA. In our download resource area, you will find various things you can download to help you determine how you wish to proceed with whatever issues you are experiencing. If you don’t see what you need use the Contact Us to send us an email to help you. In our Forum are plenty is things to help you from YouTube suggestions to informational threads. You do not have to register to VIEW the Forum, however if you wish to post or sign up for notifications of new things posted in an area you will need to register. Our calendar is for you to use to see what is coming up, on the submit your event to our calendar you can submit events in your area to get the word out, Please put at least State in title to help others know where event is

How do I get help
If you don’t see an answer here feel free to use the contact us so we can look in your area for what you need. Remember Vetslink is for trying to help Veterans, their family and community with whatever you may need help with
Our Forum is up and running. By registering every time you log into the forum you will be able to see at a glance which areas have new information or subscribe to an area as well.
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or partner for the site please use the Contact Us to notify us of your intent and we will get back with you.
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