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Military Toxic Exposures S.000/H.R.0000 | COST of War Act of 2021
Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) introduced an omnibus bill to provide comprehensive toxic exposure reform, a
move he promised in a Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee hearing earlier this month. The
Comprehensive Overdue Support for Troops (COST) of War Act of 2021 was marked up at a 26 MAY
meeting and includes many of the bills discussed at the legislative hearing. The bill passed out of the
Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee (SVAC) unanimously via voice vote. The omnibus bill includes:
 The Toxic Exposure in the American Military (TEAM) Act (S. 927 and H.R. 2127)
 The Veterans Burn Pits Exposure Recognition Act (S. 437 and H.R. 2436)
 The addition of Agent Orange presumptives for hypertension and monoclonal gammopathy of
undetermined significance, better known as MGUS (S. 810 and H.R. 1972)
 The recognition of radiation exposure in the Enewetak Atoll and from the 1966 accident in
Palomares, Spain (S. 565, H.R. 1585, and H.R. 2580)
 Improvements to studies and epidemiological reporting for all exposures
Along with their existing Advocacy in Action bills, MOAA supports the Senate’s omnibus package.
Vet’s efforts during Advocacy in Action and prior work on this issue by MOAA have helped lead to what
they are hoping is a true effort at comprehensive reform. MOAA has analyzed the omnibus bill, and while
it's not perfect -- no omnibus bill ever is -- it's a dramatic step forward in getting these veterans and their
families the benefits they deserve.
Hurdles remain and continued outreach and support for comprehensive reforms are even more
important to get toxic exposure reforms across the finish line. Despite SVAC passage, it is clear there will
be more adjustments before it is sent to the floor. “My commitment to the ranking member [Kansas
Republican Sen. Jerry Moran] is that I will not advance the bill to the floor without his consent,” Tester
said during the 26 MAY hearing. “And I commit to all of you to work in a transparent and bipartisan
manner to address any concerns related to cost or potential negative impacts on the VA.”
Once finalized, the Senate needs to first pass the bill and then reconcile any differences with the House
version. House Veterans' Affairs Committee leadership has compiled a similar omnibus package, the
Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act of 2021.

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