Curious as to what the VA is considering adding to the presumptive list for "Burn Pit" we;;, here you go as of 11/15/2021
Conditions used as new process proof of concept
Rhinitis Completed
Sinusitis Completed
Asthma Completed
Conditions that may be reviewed during the pilot (Nov 21 - Apr 22)
Rare Cancers Under Review
Constrictive bronchiolitis Under Review
Acute eosinophilic pneumonia Under Review
Lung Cancer Under Review
Oral, Nasal and Pharyngeal cancers Under Review
Conditions that will be reviewed pending outcome of pilot results (Maybe after Apr 22)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Future Review
Emphysema Future Review
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Future Review
Esophageal cancer Future Review
Laryngeal cancer Future Review
Note: List based on conditions possibly associated with deployment to Southwest Asia by National Academy of Science, Engineering
and Medicine
Information on this "Pilot" they speak of follows:
Secretary approved the draft presumptive conditions model on
October 26, 2021 and approved initiating the pilot from November 2021-April 2022 on October
29, 2021.
Pilot process: November 15, 2021-April 1, 2022
Conduct pilot progress check in and revise decision model to EESC
(as required): January 14, February 14, and March 14, 2022
Monthly updates to EBPC: January, February and March 2022
Decision brief of pilot to VAOB/VAEB: Last week of March 2022
Initiate implementation of new process: April 1, 2022
So basically what this means is that the VA is going to be examining Veterans to determine just what "presumptives" actually occurred due to exposure and which conditions scientifically match up so according to this we SHOULD see more presumptives added in April 2022
Nov. 11, 2021
VA pilots evaluation model to determine potential exposure to environmental
hazards while serving
WASHINGTON — The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced today it is
piloting a comprehensive military exposure model to consider possible relationships of
in-service environmental hazards to medical conditions. The goal of this new model is to
lower the burden of proof for Veterans impacted by exposures and speed up the
delivery of health care and benefits that they need.
The new model will continue to leverage scientific findings from the National Academies
of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), available and relevant scientific
research data, surveillance of Veterans’ health outcomes, and adding the review of VA
claims data and military environmental research for trends and identify new concerns.
At the direction of the President, the first conditions this pilot will actively consider are
rare respiratory cancers and constrictive bronchiolitis. Consistent with the President’s
demands, VA anticipates answers on these conditions by mid-2022.
“We are seeking more information from Veterans, more evidence from more sources,
and looking to take every avenue possible to determine where a potential presumptive
illness based on military service location may exist in a more expedient and holistic
manner, “said VA Secretary Denis McDonough. “We want all Veterans who may have
been impacted to file a claim even if it was previously denied.”
The presumptive decision model pilot will run from Nov. 15 to April 1, 2022. VA will look
to use the results of the pilot to formalize the model after April 1, 2022. Over the last six
months, VA has extended benefits and services to Veterans impacted by military
exposures due to Agent Orange and particulate matter.
If a Veteran has a condition they believe is attributed to an event during military service,
they are highly encouraged to file a claim. More information about VA benefits and
eligibility, or how to file a claim may be found on VA’s website at www.va.gov or by
calling toll-free at 800-827-1000.